Online & Digital MarketingWebsite Design

What could your property’s blog earn you?

If you regularly check online activities of other firms in the industry, you must probably have seen that many properties have their own blog. On these blogs, they promote their property or simply share content that can be interesting for guests. A large number of properties are actually investing in blogs, although it is a demanding task that requires a lot of time.

A blog not only ensures that more visitors will be interested in your property’s website, but it also has a positive impact on the reputation of your business. Besides, it has become really easy to run a blog as there are numerous blogging platforms available.

If you are not sure about whether you need a blog for your property, we believe that the following 4 reasons might give you some clues to make up your mind.What could your property’s blog earn you?

1- Connecting power of a blog

A blog helps you introduce your property to your potential guests around the world and communicate with them. Moreover, your blog may be a great help with contacting various companies in the tourism industry and their employees, along with potential guests.

2- Marketing your professionalism

The articles about the accommodation industry that you will post on your blog will also indicate how insightful you are when it comes to particulars of the industry. Since your blog will be some kind of an outlet for your property, you should regard it as a way of  bolstering your reputation.

3- Experience gained along the way

Preparing a blog requires making research. You might need to study different sources of reference to prepare an article, which will also provide you the benefit of expanding your knowledge. In addition to your existing industry experience, you will keep your industry knowledge refreshed as you will be catching up with the updates in the industry.

4- Social posts

As your blog gains publicity, your articles may help boost popularity of your property through more shares. .The higher your recognition level becomes, the more traffic your property’s website will receive, improving your direct booking rates.

All of these are only some of the benefits that expanding your audience through blog-driven content marketing can bring about. HotelRunner blog can inform you more about this. Just like what you intend to do with all your marketing activities, the aim of your blog content should be to lead your guests to direct online booking, so you should provide your guests with a practical and reliable means of doing so. HotelRunner is your biggest supporter in this. Create your account for free now and see the difference of HotelRunner yourself if you want to receive bookings for your property and sell rooms without having to deal with infrastructure problems.

Cihan Coşkuntuncel

Director of Sales and Business Development

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