5 ways to introduce your agency’s blog to more people
Many companies with a strategy on digital marketing run a corporate blog to support this strategy. Blogs are important digital channels both to connect to customers and share since content reflecting your company’s brand image apart from your website.
However, it is not that easy to create a blog content regularly and manage a corporate blog. Among the efforts you should prioritize include creating content that will bring more followers, thus more sales and promote your agency through that.
What can be done for your online agency’s blog to be known by more people? Here are tips for blog promotion.
1. Why should users follow your blog?
Why different users follow some blogs mainly have to do with the fact that they find such blogs useful. So, your online agency’s blog should be helpful for users rather than being full of promotional posts. Make sure that your blog content is capable of answering such questions as “Does this article help users?”.
2. Being up-to-date and unique
Studies show that there are about 150 million active blogs on the Internet. Of course these blogs provide useful information about various subjects. Still, being different than your peers might lead readers to prefer you.
Research shows that followers check more than one blog daily. Therefore, it is critical to share up-to-date content. Your up-to-date and unique content will be shared by your followers, which will increase your agency’s recognition.
3. Storytelling technique
Storytelling is more successful in drawing attention than an informative and advising language when sharing blog content. You should enhance especially the images on your online agency with storytelling technique.
4. Following trends
Everything on the Internet changes in a jiffy. A trend drawing lots of attention might not be trendy anymore. Therefore, it is important to follow customer and industry trends in digital channels and social media.
5. Caring about content design
Internet users don’t have enough time even to read content about their interests. So, each word in your content matters a lot. Take these into consideration and note that flowing content enhanced with interesting images will be liked more and shared by your followers. Among the tips to consider in this include using a concise and impressive title and details like legible fonts.
In our era, companies fostering their digital strategies with corporate blogging strengthen their image and reach more potential customers. Evaluating our tips, you y also increase both your brand recognition and income. HotelRunner helps you manage all sales and marketing channels of your agency. Create your free account now and enjoy the privileges of HotelRunner immediately.