
How to improve your online reviews with 5 recommendations

More and more guests rely on online reviews when deciding on a property, which makes reviews a powerful tool for properties to ensure their survival in the competitive hospitality market. Therefore, the path to a stronger brand reputation goes through improving your review score. 

It is no different for the Airbnb community. In fact, it’s fair to say that the success of an Airbnb business depends heavily on positive reviews. Airbnb’s internal data shows that hosts who leave a review for their guests, tend to receive a higher review score than those who don’t.*

Reviews help the Airbnb community understand what to expect when making plans, and play an essential part in Airbnb’s search ranking algorithm. Therefore, the company recommends an overall rating of 4.8+, which is also the minimum must-have average overall rating for superhosts. 

We have 5 key recommendations for you to boost your review score on Airbnb:

    • Go through past reviews

Address negative reviews and ensure your future guests won’t have the same issue. Use the past positive reviews and create new value propositions for your future guests.

    • Be there for your guests

Be there for your guests during their stay. Support them and do your best to accommodate any need they might have.

    • Be an active listener

Listen to your guests’ requests, and even if you can’t satisfy them, communicate your intention to help. Show empathy.

    • Rate your guests

After each stay, write about how your experience hosting your guests was. Let future hosts know about it.

    • Ask your guests for feedback

Proactively ask your guests to write about their experience. Be honest and share that this will help you become a better professional.

Reviews are an important driver of business for hospitality businesses. Remember that managing your online reviews better have a direct impact on your reputation and as a result your occupancy rates.

If you are willing to sell more on Airbnb, connect your property via HotelRunner now and increase your occupancy rates!


*According to internal Airbnb global review score data collected between January 2021 and January 2022. 

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