The five most effective tweet types for accommodation industry
Currently, Twitter has become an increasingly-attractive communication channel where users keep spending more and more time. Therefore, it has become a major tool for almost everyone who is engaged in marketing.
It is vital to include Twitter in marketing plans especially when it comes to the all-time social accommodation industry; otherwise, your marketing plans can easily be considered halfcocked. This ever-growing importance of Twitter requires putting a lot of effort in using social networks more effectively as a marketing channel.
The first thing you need to do is to scrutinize Twitter accounts of your counterparts in the accommodation industry who have proved their success in social media if you would like to learn how to use Twitter more effectively. Fortunately, as HotelRunner, we did this for you, discussing the five most effective tweet types on Twitter for the accommodation industry.
1- Promotion
Marketing is the case here, so promotion should be the first thing on your mind while using Twitter. However, there is a minor setback on Twitter, the most practical way to access large target groups: being bound by character limits when you share details about your property, or −let’s say− a campaign. Therefore, it would be better to announce such details on your website and then share only the title and its link on Twitter.
2- Real-time information transfer
What particularly sets Twitter apart from many other social media channels is its structure that provides real-time information transfer, which makes it possible to share what is going on or important developments in your property with your potential guests. It should be noted that such posts will draw a great deal of attention.
3- Two-way communication
Thanks to the “mention” feature of Twitter, which is more or less mentioning other users, it is quite easy to directly communicate with your potential guests on this versatile social network. You can answer questions on Twitter as well as ask questions or reply to your customers when they send positive or negative comments.
4 – Contests
If you intend to attract more users, you can make use of contests you can organize on Twitter. Thanks to the interesting contests, you can stay in touch with your potential guests, while collecting valuable information from them.
5- Retweets
Retweet, the feature that allows you to share a tweet by another user with your followers, is a good method in terms of showing that you follow other users and care about their opinions. For instance, you can retweet positive comments of your guests, a news story about your property, or an important development about the accommodation industry.
These tweeting methods will help you use Twitter more lively and effectively when marketing your property. This way you can also connect with your guests and increase your booking rates. Well, of course, you need a website that you can practically design and an online reservation infrastructure to this end. Luckily, HotelRunner provides you the necessary options and even more. See the distinction by taking a look at HotelRunner’s features or creating your account immediately.