MobileOnline & Digital Marketing

3 great expectations of guests from the accommodation industry

Currently, there are many options for those who are looking for accommodation.  It has become a must for all businesses in the accommodation industry to catch up with rapid developments and meet expectations of their guests to the highest with the effect of increasing competition conditions.

Properties challenged by the need to understand and meet their guests’ expectations face inevitable problems such as decreasing number of reservations and increasing number of negative reviews.

It is important for you to choose channels to communicate with your customers according to their expectations rather than yours if you want to fulfill customer satisfaction.  What are the communication channels that guests prefer and why are they so important?


Currently, properties that are not present on the Internet have no chance to be part of the competition. This is because the majority of travelers decide where to stay with the help of online research. If you are not present on the Internet, it means that you will lose 80% of your potential customers.

Furthermore, it is not enough alone to have a website. You should be able to use different channels like social networks and review sites and meet expectations of your customers there.

Mobile Devices

It is not possible to explain the mobile frenzy anymore. Mobiles’ rate of usage has been increasing rapidly, while its effect becomes even more visible when it comes to travelling and accommodation.  In our era, unless a property has a website that is compatible with mobile devices or applications, it means it will lose almost 60% of its reservations.

When you check HotelRunner’s features, you will see that we take this seriously, at least as much as your guests do, and provide the ground for you to meet their respective expectations.


According to the research, hotel guests frequently make use of e-mails when making traveling and accommodation plans.  Their expectations from hotels increase especially when it comes to reminders. E-mailing your guests about reservation dates, check-in times and other reminders will take your hotel one step forward.

Almost 90% of the travelers prefer receiving e-mail reminders from the hotel they will stay at. It is critical for you to have a compatible infrastructure to do that. For instance, did you know that HotelRunner could send e-mails and even reservation notifications to your guests?

Create your account for free now to have this feature and even more. See offers of HotelRunner for yourself.

Rıza Kaynak

Director of Demand

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