Online & Digital MarketingSEO

Can Google’s Hummingbird update increase your sales?

As the search habits of users change, it is only natural for search engines to modify their algorithms to keep pace. A large majority of users now include more words, more phrases and questions in their searches.  As a result, searches are narrowed down to more specific and personalized subjects. For example, when searching, guests prefer typing “boutique hotels in Antalya” to “hotels” only or they can search a question like “which is the most cost-effective boutique hotel in Antalya?” on Google.

We shared all the features of the Hummingbird update launched by Google a few months ago with features addressing the new trends we mentioned above.  With this update, Google aims to help users find not only detailed but also original and good content, which is a promising development for up-to-date websites with original and satisfactory content.

Can Google’s Hummingbird update increase the online sales made through properties’ own websites? If you have a website compatible with Hummingbird, here is the answer: Yes.

Right target audience

First of all, you should determine the target audience of your property to make the most of the changes introduced by the Hummingbird update. What is the age group of your potential guests who will prefer your property? Which one is more in number? Females or males? What do they expect from a property? What are the distinguishing features of your property? It is crucial for you to answer all these questions and determine your target audience correctly. This is because the content you will create will address only this target audience.

Good quality content

Good quality content is marked, above all, by the fact that it contains useful information for users. To do so, you can create a blog where you will feature travel related articles that can be interesting for your target audience, in addition to sharing information about the features of your property. You better have a content that your guests will want to share on their own social network pages. Another feature taken into account in the Hummingbird update is the backlinks to or from other websites. To increase the number of shares, you can emphasize visual elements like photos and videos as well.

Hummingbird likes niche websites

Websites addressing a specific target audience rather than a general one are called niche websites. For instance, if you have a special concept designed for honeymoon couples in your property, you can promote this feature through a special section within your website. Such content will help your property be listed in higher ranks in searches containing long sentences like we mentioned above. While creating content to this end, you can begin by predicting what kind of questions your potential customers can search. Your original content that can answer a question like “the best hotel for a honeymoon in Antalya”, let’s say, can be included in the top results.

Briefly, you should focus primarily on two points to adjust your website to the Hummingbird update of Google as follows: The first one is to create good quality content providing benefits for users. The second one is to create a structure that can provide answers to specific questions along with the keywords.

The advanced search engine optimization (SEO) features of HotelRunner can help you make the most of the Hummingbird update of Google and attract more visitors to your property’s website. If you would like to see more traffic on your website, generate more sales and benefit from all the features a secure platform can offer you, just create your HotelRunner account immediately.

Rıza Kaynak

Director of Demand

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