Online & Digital MarketingSocial Media

Consider these 4 points for your property’s blog and social media integration

Having a website is essential for your property in the digital era that we live in. However, performing digital marketing works only through your website might not be sufficient.  This is because visitors not only check the website of the property when planning their travel, but they also check the posts shared on social media networks, read related comments, view photos and decide on their accommodation preference accordingly.

Therefore, properties should claim their presence on ever-diversifying social media platforms and build a proper marketing strategy tailored for each of them. In addition, you should also make sure that your property has a blog page through which they will share effective posts to reach these customers using the Internet actively. But what should you consider when integrating your property into your website, blog and social media platforms? As HotelRunner, we compiled these significant tips for you:

1. Determine your goal

You will need a strategy to use social media platforms and your blog page effectively. Therefore, you must first consider which benefits you will reap and know the answers to some questions before getting into social media accounts and a blog address on your website. Do you want to show your visitors that your presence is more than just a website, or do you expect your visitors to communicate with you through social platforms, too? Would you like them to share your content? Based on your answers to these questions, you will be able to determine the kind of integration you need to build with social media platforms among social networks.

2. Pay attention to you blog content

It is useful to have a blog to reinforce your website and feature articles useful for visitors in your blog content. Developing a blog content according to a specific content plan will prove attractive for all the travel-enthusiasts planning to stay in your property. For those planning to travel, you may write articles full of recommendations, provide information about various destinations as well as share with potential visitors the opinions and suggestions of people staying at your property.

3. Use social media channels actively

If you feature social media buttons on your blog, it will be easier to use each channel in integration and ensure mutual benefits. At this point, you need to interact with visitors on all your social media channels and share attractive posts. For instance, you may retweet the tweets of previous guests satisfied with your services, reply to a question regarding your Facebook content, and post your property’s images on Instagram. Also, you can manage different campaigns on each platform when social media users share your posts.

4. Increase your blog traffic with social media posts

Sharing your blog articles on social media channels is crucial for communicating your content to more visitors and boosting your property’s recognition. Depending on the number of posts, you can increase your blog traffic by directing social media users to your blog. Featuring call-to-actions in your blog articles, you will ensure that users visiting your blog will also visit your website.

You need to follow an integrated strategy to increase your brand recognition and profitability of your property through digital marketing. You may follow an all-inclusive substantial strategy covering your website, blog and social media platforms, while performing a content marketing work for tailored individual channels. To manage all these channels from a single platform, HotelRunner can help you. Create your free HotelRunner account now and start taking all advantages of the digital world by moving your property to the Internet.


Cihan Coşkuntuncel

Director of Sales and Business Development

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