Online & Digital Marketing

Most read articles during October

HotelRunner, the robust hotel management and marketing platform offering a one-in-all package for any of your online hotel and travel agency marketing and management needs, features horizon-broadening articles for tourism entrepreneurs and executives on its blog.

Throughout October, we wanted to touch upon many subjects, from the methods to enhance customer satisfaction to reputation management for online travel agencies, from the tips to grow your property through growth hacking to coming up with intriguing posts across various social networks.

Here are the most read HotelRunner articles of the previous months.

What is visual social media marketing? How does it support your property marketing?

Visual social media marketing in property promotion

Don’t panic if you are dramatically slipping down in Google ranking. We sum up what you must do to reverse the trend.

Why might have your agency’s site slipped down in Google?

It is actually not that difficult to provide a great experience for your guests in your hotel, thus build customer loyalty. Here are tips to enhance customer satisfaction.

4 methods to increase customer satisfaction

In our era, the path to property marketing goes through appealing to potential guests’ feelings. Here are what you should know about visual storytelling, which is the most effective method for this.

Storytellers are the winners of digital marketing

How can you promote your property with low-budget, creative and captivating growth hacking methods?

Methods to grow your property with growth hacking

Studies show that correct choice of colors increase the memorability of a brand by 80 percent. How should you choose colors for your hotel’s website?

Does your property’s website colors affect your customers?

Why do customers change their mind and leave online agencies’ websites without booking?

Why do your customers leave your online agency’s site?

The 80/20 rule is the priority to using a social media channel in the most effective way. What is the 80/20 rule? How to calculate it? How to benefit from it?

A new success formula: The 80 / 20 rule

Each social media platform has unique features. Do you know how you can increase engagement on various social networks?

Tips to create captivating posts on different social networks

What are the methods to boost your online agency’s reputation in the digital realm? What should you consider for your online agency’s reputation management? Here are the tips and answers.

How can you manage your online agency’s reputation?

Follow HotelRunner on Twitter and Facebook  and don’t miss any new articles you can benefit from in promoting your property.

Rıza Kaynak

Director of Demand

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