Online & Digital MarketingSocial Media

The significant digital marketing trends of 2014

The rapid development of technology brings about new trends in property marketing. In the previous years, we witnessed a great progress in content marketing and especially in video advertising as a result of the increase in the usage of social media and mobile devices. Experts estimate that this trend will only increase more in the upcoming years. Services have been easily accessible regardless of space and time as the sizes of portable computers have become smaller, while use of smart phones and tablets have become more common.

Thanks to different applications installed in the devices of users, they can contact and book rooms from any property anywhere within seconds. Such innovations that have been the subject of various research studies in marketing provide significant findings related to the future marketing trends.

In light of these developments that are of particular concern to the service industry, this articles gives you the tips to evaluate the estimations related to the possible changes in this field and which channels can provide you with the best results in the upcoming years.

Usage habits change and the number of advertisers increase

It is a known fact that ads have a crucial position within marketing strategies.  Research also suggests that the number of advertisers has increased within the last year, which supports this conclusion.  It is noted that the increase in the use of mobile devices have also developed users’ skills in using multiple screens simultaneously.  Research about digital marketing offers the following striking results, which can bring a new horizon for your property:

Research shows that 81 percent of users use both TV and mobile devices, while 66 percent can use computers and mobile devices at the same time. 48 of advertisers consider multiple-screens to be critical, while 20 percent tend to buy more than one media by taking this information into account when implementing campaigns.

The power of social media increases with mobile devices

In our era, people are connected to the Internet in every phase of their daily life. It is estimated that currently about 14 millions of people log in to Facebook daily through mobile devices in Turkey. It is estimated that mobile users use the Internet more than the average users. More striking data shows that 54 percent of Turkish Facebook users spend 6 days a week on this social network. Therefore, it is indispensable to increase mobile investments in all social media networks, especially in Facebook, and implement all the updates and changes accordingly.

Millions are watching: Using videos in promotions

Offering quicker comprehension compared with articles, images are among the most effective marketing methods allowing you to reach a larger target audience. You can check our previous article on Instagram and Vine, the two powerful social networks of  last year. We do not know if the booming number of users of these networks change the marketing rules from scratch, but we can say that nothing will ever be the same: TV is not the only media viewed by millions of people anymore. It can be said that the upcoming years will prove this even more.

With the increase in the use of mobile devices and videos, social media strengthens its position as an effective marketing tool. We have touched upon some valuable marketing trends for your property in light of a portion of research data we have covered here. As HotelRunner, we aim to help your property make a progress with the latest marketing methods and share with you the tips that will allow you to make a difference among your rivals. You can visit our website and create your account, so you can become online within seconds and enjoy all our offers that will enable you to surpass your competition.

Rıza Kaynak

Director of Demand

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