Online & Digital MarketingSocial Media

Tips to increase bookings by using hashtag

Hashtags are one of the tools to make your property’s social media posts more effective. Especially with the rise of Twitter, hashtags are now used even more commonly as its use is supported in social networks like Facebook, Pinterest and Google +.

Hashtags make possible to categorize subjects and conversations, they also make easier to search for users. Users can search words beginning with hashtag on social networks. However, hashtags may create adverse impact if not used properly. Twitter suggests that use of hashtags increase the retweet rate by 16 percent, while its improper use decreases this rate by 17 percent. What should you consider when using hashtags in social media posts?

1. Typos

Typos in hashtags are what may impact your posts most negatively. Many individual users and companies do not fully benefit from the positive effect of hashtags due to such errors. Although each social media platform has a different application for hashtags, the general spelling rules to consider when creating a hashtag can be listed as follows:

You had better avoid using marks like (-) dashes and (“) quotation marks or spaces between words as they are not effective in hashtags consisting of phrases.
You should make sure that the entire sentence does not consist of hashtags.
You should avoid using hashtags consisting only of numbers and use of numbers in the beginning of hashtags.
Use of capitals or lower case letters generally does not make any difference in hashtags. Therefore, you can begin with capitals to draw attention to words when creating hashtags with phrases.
Misspelled words and grammar mistakes can bring about unexpected results for you.

Therefore, you should pay attention to correct use of words when creating hashtags.

2. A hashtag in harmony with your content and property marketing

You should note that your content will represent your hotel in your social media posts you use to promote your property. Thus, it is critical for you to use content in accordance with your intended message and related hashtags. Use of popular hashtags that has nothing to do with the content can affect your property’s image on social media negatively.

3. Making hashtag research

Hashtags on social media networks can be used by everyone without any limitations. A hashtag you plan to share might have been already created and used by another companies. Therefore, you might need to check if the hashtags you plan to share is used before and its effect and purpose if it is used.

By making use our hints on use of hashtags, you can also ensure that your property is mentioned more on social media and your engagement increases. You can also make use of the advantages of online booking by building your website to share your quality with more people and increase your sales. Remember that HotelRunner is your biggest supporter in this. Create your HotelRunner account now and start earning with online sales immediately.

Rıza Kaynak

Director of Demand

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